Sunday, April 22, 2012

Children Remain Christians

About a month ago, I attended a funeral of a man who I believe was the oldest member of our congregation. It was sad to see brother Robert Cotter pass at the age of 89 and he will be dearly missed by this congregation. One of our elders noticed Bob coming to worship and had a conversation with him not too long before his passing. The elder told Bob that he was encouraged along with many other members by him coming faithfully to worship even during poor health. The shepherd commented to me and said that if we look at Bob we are without excuse for missing the assembly.

During the funeral, James was speaking about Bob and how he always came in holding a cain and would tell James the reason he chose that particular cane. My mind immediately went back to a verse that I had heard when I found out that Bob had passed.

By faith Jacob, when dying, blessed each of the sons of Joseph, bowing in worship over the head of his staff.
Hebrews 11:21

Bob worshiped leaning on that cane for many years. In doing so he set an example for us all. One of Bob's children said at the funeral that his last words were, "Children, remain Christians." It sounded to me like something the beloved apostle John would have said in his old age to his Christian family. Bob taught us the reward in longevity of worship.

You finished the race Bob! Now enjoy your reward.