For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not confess the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh. Such a one is the deceiver and the antichrist. Watch yourselves, so that you may not lose what we have worked for, but may win a full reward. Everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God. Whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting, for whoever greets him takes part in his wicked works.
2 John 2:7-11
Second John is a book that is easy to overlook. It's easy to overlook because it is so short. In fact, 2 John is the shortest book in the English Bible and the second shortest in the Greek. If you read your Bible at the breakfast table be sure you don't get your doughnut gunk on this book or you could easily pass up it's one, measly, page next time around.
Despite the size of 2 John, it is God's word and is filled with living words for our life. When the apostle whom Jesus loved is moved by the spirit to write, we know that it will be important to our lives.
In John's second letter the elder writes to the church in love as well as truth (1). John, well... he loved love. It pours out of his life, his account of the gospel, his letters, and his revelation. John desired that all Christians loved Christ and the brethren. He desired this so much so that he defended this love no matter the cost. He defended it by standing for TRUTH. Not only did John take a stand for truth but he asked the believers to do so as well.
In the verses above, the apostle's words at first glance might not seem very loving. How can we help someone if we will not allow them in? I mean, shouldn't Christians welcome anyone into their homes?
John is not saying do not invite people of the world into your home so that you can teach them. Rather he is telling us not to welcome those who teach false teachings into our homes as we would our brothers in Christ. This apostle does not want our homes filled with false teachings but rather truth.
Likewise, followers of Christ must realize that anytime the truth of the gospel is being proclaimed Satan will try to twist that truth. Satan will use any means possible to get into our homes. I encourage you to do a "security check" on your home. Below is a checklist you can use.
__ Check the conversations in your home. Do guests that come into your home allow for truth to be taught or do they hinder it?
__ Check to see what your children's friends are telling your child when you are not around. Bad influences from a child's friend can be difficult to detect so be diligent.
__ Check the messages of the television shows. In addition to watching for "bad stuff" see what the overall message is.
__ Check for harmful material entering your home through computers, phones, and other electronics.
__ Check to make sure your are monitoring your system. Stay in the word so you know what is truth and what is not.
__ Check to make sure you are asking God to protect your home. Prayer is one of the most overlooked areas in defending our homes.
We need to diligent with the teachings that come into our homes. John says,
'whoever greets him takes part in his wicked works." Do we allow false teaching in our house or lock it out? By keeping corruption out of the home your home will be able to influence the world for Christ rather than the world influence you. That, is love for others.
Thanks Blake. Good lesson. We don't have to be so vulnerable if we will stay in God's Word and act with caution in the world. p.s. I put a comment on here previously and it disappeared. - Dan